Monday, November 10, 2014

God speaks through Candy Crush

Note: This was written a couple of years ago.

I love games. I always have. My younger brother got a Nintendo for his birthday way back when and I feel bad am happy to say I made it to the end, saving Princess Peach, before he did. And I didn’t even have the handy dandy internet to give me cheats and hints on how to do it. So with all the games on portable technology now, you can imagine how much fun I have!

I have to say, though, God can even use Candy Crush to speak to us. When it first came out, I LOVED to play this game and couldn’t believe once I used my 5 lives, I had to wait for more. I loved the game but I was not one to actually pay for more lives or pay to advance to another level.

I was so excited when I discovered that my virtual friends, as my husband calls my Facebook friends, could actually give me lives. I was even more excited when I realized I could hold on to them and save them. It took discipline but by being frugal, my lives little by little accumulated so I didn’t have to wait for them to be replenished. I was good about playing a few rounds and then moving on to something more productive. And if I happened to have “extra” time (which really means I was procrastinating something I really didn’t want to do), I could play more than 5 lives since I had some accumulated. Wahoo!

So imagine my horror when I went to open the app to play and discovered that all 60-something lives were GONE! What??? I have no idea what happened though it may have to do with playing the same account on more than one device.

How often do we try to save our earthly lives? Yes, we should take care of the bodies God has given us. However, we can sometimes obsess over this or in my case, not enjoy life because of “what could happen”. Even more importantly, do we save our lives for ourselves? Do we use our lives to do all the things we want to do instead of what God wants us to do?

Matthew 16:25 “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.” NLT

And just so you know, I probably have hundreds of Candy Crush lives out there………I have moved on. 

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