Monday, August 8, 2011

It’s All About Me!

How many of us actually say that out loud? I know I would never want to come across so self-centered. But how many times do our thoughts and actions actually say that for us?

When I went to camp a couple of weeks ago with our church, while the children were in their Bible studies, the adults also had a time to reflect on the word. One day there were stations around the room with Bible verses and thought provoking questions, sometimes even an action to perform.

The scripture reading for one station was Ephesians 5:15-18 and said this:

God commands us to be continually filled with Holy Spirit. God must do the “filling” and we must yield our lives to Him. To be “filled” with the spirit is not a command to get more of Him, but rather to give more of ourselves to Him.

I don’t know about you but when I think about my Christian walk, I sometimes think about what I can get out of it rather than what I can give to God. Sure, I can teach Sunday school and feel good that I am serving God. But it’s not about me feeling good. It’s about planting seeds in the hearts of the children. Being a crew leader for VBS? No problem. But when you look deep in my heart, you will see the dread of long evenings and getting kids to bed late. There again, I put the focus back on me.

The reflection portion of that station read this:

While a piano is capable of making beautiful music, it is useless unless someone plays it. Without the filling of the Holy Spirit, we are like a piano without a player. We have been called to live supernatural lives and do supernatural things, which we cannot do by our own power.

Take a few moments and simply ask God to take His rightful place on the piano bench of your life. Remember that Holy Spirit always works in such a way that He shines the spotlight on Jesus. Spend a few moments simply being still in His presence. Ask Him to focus your ambitions and passions on the person and mission of Christ!

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